Cai Mep International Terminal receiving the ultra-large container ship and launching weekly service line
Up to date, the CMA CGM MARCO POLO is the largest container ship ever officially operating the weekly service line in Vietnam...

Tomorrow afternoon (11 January), Cai Mep International Terminal (CMIT) will welcome the arrival of CMA CGM MARCO POLO officially marking the weekly service line in Vietnam by the largest container ship.
The CMA CGM MARCO POLO with the deadweight of 187,625 tons and capacity of nearly 17,000 TEU is a UK-registered container ship owned and operated by CMA CGM. By this weekly service, the commodity imports and exports of Vietnam’s market have been being directly connected with the North European market.
CMIT is one of the largest deep water seaports in Cai Mep - Thi Vai transshipment hub. Since its operation, CMIT has always played as a pioneer in receiving the ultra-large vessels operated by the world's largest shipping lines.
After carrying out many researches, considerations and close cooperations between relevant authorities, agencies and port operators, shipping lines and after putting all effort in simulation running, successful trial entries, Maritime Safety Plan preparation for such ultra-large vessels to be handled at CMIT, the Ministry of Transport and Vietnam Maritime Administration allowed CMIT to frequently accommodate vessels of up to 194,000 tons in May 2018.
Today, the official accomodation of CMA CGM MARCO POLO at CMIT every week is the great effort made by Ministry of Transport, Vietnam Maritime Administration, other relevant authorities together with CMIT - the port operator and the trust from the world's largest shipping lines. The regular accommodation of ultra-large ships at CMIT is showing the Government’s role in accompanying and supporting the developments of enterprises as well as affirming the management and coordination capacity of the relevant authorities and agencies in the development of the local and global maritime industry.
In the context of the trade agreements between Vietnam and Europe to be concluded, along with the official effect of the CPTPP agreement from mid-January 2019, the event of CMA CGM MARCO POLO accommodating at CMIT is one of the highlights of the seaport industry in particular and of Vietnam's maritime industry in general at the beginning of the new year, showing Vietnam’s willingness integrating the global economy in order to further develop the national economy.

Mr. Pham Anh Tuan, Standing Deputy General Director of Portcoast Consultant Corporation, the consultant firm in charge of master planning of Vietnam seaport system and also the Consultant for CMIT, said: “The Government and the Ministry of Transport have strongly instructed to find out and implement possible solutions to enhance effectiveness in management and operation of Seaport Group no. 5 and Cai Mep – Thi Vai Ports, particularly to focus on solutions to attract more transshipment cargoes to Cai Mep Ports Complex in order to make use the capacity of large vessels for transshipment service. In recent years, the container cargo throughput of Cai Mep - Thi Vai ports is significantly increasing. In 2018, the volume of container cargo throughput reached 2.87 million TEUs, estimating an increase of 14% from 2017.”
“To achieve this success, since September 2016, Portcoast and CMIT have carried out many preparatory works such as berth capacity assessment, running fast-time simulation and real-time simulations with the participation of all concerned parties and then successfully organizing trial entry of vessels of 18,000 TEU.
Efforts made by the relevant authorities, CMIT and CMA CGM Shipping Line for scheduling weekly service of CMA CGM MARCO POLO proves that the port is fully qualified to become a transshipment center of the region to serve cargo transport among Southeast Asia, especially Asia and Northern Europe routes”, said by Mr. Tuan.
Mai Huyên
By, 10 January 2019
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