Applying BIM-GIS Technology in Inland Waterway System Management in Ho Chi Minh City
On the morning of July 25th, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Transport, along with Portcoast, held a meeting to implement the application of BIM - GIS in the management of inland waterway traffic in Ho Chi Minh City.
BIM - GIS technology is the application of Building Information Modeling
(BIM) and the integration of BIM into the Geographic Information System (GIS) to survey and manage
traffic routes and infrastructure.
Mr. Nguyễn Ngọc Tuấn, Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Inland Waterway Management Center, stated that the application of BIM - GIS surveying technology on routes has high accuracy and reduced costs. Additionally, the application can determine the channel's centerline and riverbank boundaries to monitor waterway encroachments.

"The application of BIM technology will control developments in the area on the river surface or from the bank into the mainland. With these applications, we will effectively implement further applications using digital technology. Additionally, ship owners and captains can refer to this data to ensure safety while navigating," said Mr. Tuấn.
According to the Department of Transport, BIM - GIS technology applies the construction of 3D models (BIM) and integrates the models into the GIS to survey and manage traffic routes.
The digitization of survey data, inland waterway route information, and related structures will be integrated into the electronic portal of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Transport and the Inland Waterway Management Center to serve the management and exploitation of waterway infrastructure and provide information to the public.
The city will continue to manage over 60km of inland waterway routes assigned by the Central Government. The implementing unit is Portcoast, with an investment of over 11 billion VND from the state budget.
Previously, the Inland Waterway Management Center completed the digitization of the entire current state of Ho Chi Minh City's 82 waterway routes, totaling more than 522.8km in length.
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