On February 15, Portcoast BIMLab organized a company-wide tutorial on how to use the device and process the data of all laser scanner equipment, helping all employees to capture the Laser Scan process, manipulate data from the building and create point clouds, ready to participate in upcoming projects
Mr. Vo Van Truong talked about the Scan to BIM process in the Leica ecosystem that the company is applyingMr. Le Nguyen Thanh Phuoc explains about Scan to BIM in the FARO ecosystem that the company appliesMr. Le Nguyen Thanh Phuoc instructs employees in the process of processing the data collected and issues to noteMr. Phuoc and Mr. Truong coordinate instructions on manipulating assembly and use of laser scanning function of 4 types of the most modern laser scannerEmployees and engineers work with the Leica Scanstation P50Both male and female employees are eager to practice using the Leica RTC360 3D Laser ScannerEveryone eagerly listened to the share about new technologyWorking together on the machine FARO FOCUS S350-A Laser ScannerTake turns to operate and use the Leica BLK360 Imaging Laser ScannerThe session was exciting and divided into separate groups of instructors